Dorads and rain water - 2011

We were getting rain water in the bilge area every time it rained. Now we like a dry bilge period. So we did some tests to see where it was coming from. We thought it may be coming from inside the mast or a leaking cap rail. First though we decide to cover the  Plastimo Dorads.
March 2011 - At Marina Cortez Harbor Island, San Diego, CA
 That stopped the water from coming into the bilge. So now why? If for instance you were out in heavy seas could not a dorad be knocked off and water pour down a dorad into the boat (bilge)? Or even with them in this same setup ocean spray and wave water could come into the boat. Know I know the bilge pump should remove it but still.

 Also what about the 80’s Freeport’s that do not have the dorads housed to the bilge. They just come into the boat and stop, one on top of the bed. Does water come into the bed?
So now we are trying to figure out a way to have the best of both woulds. Keep our dorads but not get water into the bilge.

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