Air Breeze WG is ready for mounting! - 2012

Our Air Breeze wind generator (WG) is ready for mounting on the mast. How exciting to be finally getting to the point where this will be out of the box and actually on the boat and in it’s final place.

February 2012 - Currently at Marina Kona Kai  Shelter Island San Diego, CA   

 We will snake the wires through the mast then into the boat through the cam clam. Then connect the red to the black which stops the WG. Then place the WG onto the mast (the mast will be off the boat and place the blades onto the WG and hoist the mast. That’s the plan.)
 We picked up some more supplies at Marine Exchange and returned the #8 connectors.
OK, I need to go back and correct the earlier posts that said connect the white\green together. 
 We used the Harbor Freight crimping tool to connect the black\ground #10 wires together in the #6 terminal end butt connector.
Then we connected the black to these two wires. The Air Breeze manual said we could do this, so it is not some random decision. 
We could not find the heat gun, looked all over the boat but now We think we know where it might be now. The heat shrink will have to wait to be shrunk 😊
We then doubled over the #10 red wire, and it fit in the #6 butt connector perfectly.
Crimped them up the #10 and #6 and it came out great.
Un-shrunk heat shrinks.
Ready for mounting. Blades are together.

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