Bruce 45 second anchor ride

OK called:
Lewmar Inc
351 New Whitfield Street

Guilford Connecticut 06437, USA Tel: 203 458 6200 - support Fax: 2034535669

We are looking to add a rode to our Bruce 45 second anchor. Good thing we called them because I was going to get 40’ 3B chain and 260 Sampson 6 strand for that rode.

Comes to find out that that would tear up the rope drum in no time, that chain.

If we want to use the drum for the secondary anchor rode it needs to be all rode, no or minim chain. Meaning 5-10 feet of 3B chain would work but at that point where it reaches the drum it would need to be hand tailed in. That amount of chain would help seat the anchor.

  For the rode drum we could use about any line like the Samponson Deep 6 anchor line that we have on the stern anchor. It flakes real nice, drains nice and is easy to work with and takes up little space.

 Called Sampson and they do not make the Samposon Deep 6 line any more. They did not sell enough of it. It is still around the web though.

Hmmm. Now if we want to use the secondary anchor as the primary anchor in case we lose the primary anchor for some reason then the rode would need to fit the gypsey.

 Well that is what we would want to do. If it does not fit the gypsey it would need to be used on the drum and we would need to tail it all in all the time.

 So looks like we will purchase a rode that will fit the gypsey in case we need to use it as a primary anchor.
 That line would be either a 5/8 8 ply or a 9/16 medium lay.

  Looks like it is a trip to Sailing Supply for a touch feel of anchor lines and then we will take the plunge sort of speak :)

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