IMSS - Nutritionist menus for losing weight and eating local foods - 2015

End of March 2015 - Anchored in Zihuatanejo, Mexico 
  Elegant'sea on Facebook

The images I reduced by 50% so they would be more web friendly instead of the scanned in size. So you could download them and enlarge them by 50% and they should still look ok.

Click on image and right click to download (Windows). 

They are in Spanish. Debbie translated them for me and does the meal planing so that made it easy, for me :) any way.

 Since going to the Nutritionist  I have lost 40 lb's. I was about 220 lbs and now am about 180 lbs. Been doing this in some form for over a year - year and a half.

All local foods so it makes food shopping easy.


  1. Basically, probably, more fruit and vegetables, less red meat, more fish and chicken, nuts and beans, easy on the dairy, smaller quantities maybe more often, no snacking unless it is healthy things, and no late night eating, and get more exercise. Am I right?


  2. So far, yes.
    Also a large breakfest and larger lunch and small dinner. No late night snacks :(
    Remember we are in the tropics and dinner is eatenlate because of the heat, like say 7:00 pm or so. Mot locals houses have a top floor with just one outside wall and a roof. The kitchen is up there along with laundry for drying the clothes and heat from
    sent from my DROID device
