Finish fiber glassing the refer lids ,refer tops painted!! - 2012

July 2012 Marina Kona Kai Shelter Island San Diego, CA
The mix.
 Debbie finish fiber glassing the refer lids! Ya to Debbie for sticking with this messy tedious project that seems to never end. After some touch up here and there with some bubbles and sanding it is now it is time to paint. The paint will hopefully bring in a new time for these lids and project. Just looking at them conjures up all the work and time that goes into them and the refer project.  Debbie is using a two part paint by ProLine. She is also putting a coat on the new propane lid that she had put a coat of epoxy on.
The prep.
The line up.
Custom made insulation using Dow Blew Board.
The painting.
 Next is a sanding around where the refer top seals sit to get that are flat. The a scratch up of the paint and another touch up coat on any holidays.
 Because the refer is down it was a good time to enlarge a few over flow holes behind the refer fan. We upped them one drill size and think that will be a bit of an improvement on the air flow from freezer to refer.
 We then put a better holder onto the refer thermostat sensor.
 We also found a stripped screw on the back end of the evaporator plate which we still need to fix.
 Kind of a shake out of the refer now that we have had it running for a while.

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