SD hardware and Keystone Bro for parts - 2011

April 2011 - Marina Cortez San Diego CA
Debbie and I went to San Diego Hardware.
 We checked out the hatch pulls for the deck hatches. The ones we liked were not well made so we left and will try WM at another time. While we were there we picked up a set of hinges for the louvered door that goes behind the toilet.  I checked them out before work and the screw holes are off a little form the original one. They may be close enough that they could be used as replacements for the original hinges. In this case we have already filled the original hinge holes and drilled new ones so these will not work. There is the apprehension that these hinges are not well made and are of questionable quality as they are in the $2.00 range. So long as the original hinges continue to clean up we will re-use them. So the hinges we bough to replace the original ones we documented on the blog and we can now go chase the info down. Not so fast, I just tried and do not see the ones we bought for this door. Dam, need to do a better job of documenting the buys. I will try to clean these up and re-use them.
 Today I went to Keystone Brothers and picked up two sheets of foam for the upholstery project. Debbie had called it in so I just needed to tell them the size and it was paid for. That's how I like it, paid for :)
 It is ultra soft nimbus foam for the backs of the settee and some for the salon backs. We got one sheet of 4” 24X96” and one 1” 24”9”. While I was there Dave from Knox upholstery came in. Great timing! I handed off the foam to him as that is where it was going, saved me a trip.

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