Fan cover up

Yes we have finally moved out of the head on the varnishing.  We have expanded! That is we needed some more places to varnish not that we are completely done in the head. There are still some places to be varnished. But it does feel good to move out and into the stateroom. We will get a lot of bang here for the effort because of the area we can cover. In the head it is bits and pieces and they take as long as a big area to do. So this is the place with the hole in the bulkhead that the previous owner had for the spiniker pole storage. We will have a fan here as I have said repeatedlyJ.
Washed with TSP several times 

Sanded with 220 grit and washed with TSP
You can see the grain on the vanier is different than the patch piece. Nothing can be done to match that vanier. The patch piece of teak does match on three sides. All done you will not notice it and besides the vanier was against the other grain before we added the path of teak wood so it is really the same.

Mixing up the varnish 
Finally doing this outside of the head!

Getting the first coat on

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