Ipala anchorage and shore trip then sail to Perula (Chamela) - 2020

While in Ipala (Tehuamixtle) we went ashore and had some lunch among other things. Quite fun. Our first stop here in the Fall. Usually we do an overnight sail to Chamela(Perula). The weather is so much nicer here now than when we stop on the bash back up the cast in the Spring!
November 2020 anchored in Ipala  

s/v Elegant'sea anchored in 40 feet of water. Nice conditions, it is the Fall.
Under the umbrellas was the oyster "shucker" - served fresh from the sea at Cande's Restaurant up on the hill. He prepared many plates while we sat there!
Great views and plenty of seating.  (Covid-19 note: easy to social distance, all servers wore masks and great protocols for cleaning the tables after each quest left along with hand sanitizer upon entrance. They even had shoe wash at each entrance to the restaurant.)
Cande's Restaurant in Ipala (Tehuamixtle)
Who's that handsome guy!?!?!
This is Cande's Restaurant looking from the beach.
More of the village up the hill behind.
North point of  Ipala.
The fishing boat and its birds!
Boat or bird perch?
Looking into shore from our stern.
Pangas moored in front of the village.  The orange building had another restaurant on the bottom floor and some hotel rooms on the top floors.
What is Debbie thinking about up on the foredeck?
Another boat joined us at anchor besides the shrimp boat.
Fernando, our panga driver.  He originally came over to our boat inquiring if we had any large line.  We gave him a couple of  pieces of three-strand yet they were a little small.
Jeff on s/v Joy was the one to tell us how to hail a panga over to get them to pick us up (stand out on deck and use a whistle when one came close).  He told us to seek out Benji on-shore as he would be a useful guide.  We looked for him yet never found him.
The panga fleet off the starboard side of s/v Elegant'sea.
A view of the anchorage from the beach.

The village goes back up into the hillside.
The true name of the village - Caleta Tehuamixtle.  Not sure what the shark represents?!?
Our "ride" home.
s/v Arcane with Jean and Jac on board (just past the pangas).
Kids playing and fishing off of "our" panga!
The sunset peaked through the cloud bank.
There was not much wind. The conditions were otherwise very nice. We motor sailed most of the way using the main only. Say about 5 hours. Then a few hours with both the main and genoa as the wind picked up just a bit, mostly on a broad reach so we had the preventers hooked up.
Conditions in Perula are always the same when entering the bay - WINDY!  There were five boats anchored here and we were the sixth!  We picked a good spot - not too close in or too close to the construction on the soon-to-be pier at the entrance to the estuary (new post will be written about this).
Ironically, we are back here six months to the day from leaving in the spring!!

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