ICOM 802 position GPS antenna by DYS - 2019

 Because we are having some problems sending position data from our new Garmin GPSMAP 942 chart plotter to our ICOM 802 SSB radio we are considering purchasing this gps antenna for the purpose of position data. We had this all working on our old Garmin GPSMAP 740 chartplotter on NMEA 0183 network
December 2019 - Currently in Paradise Village Marina in Banderas Bay Mexico (by Puerto Vallarta)

We have had success getting our Standard Horizon Matrix GX 2150 VHF radio talking to our new chartplotter on NMEA 0183 network so the rewiring we did is working fine (although we do not need the VHF to send AIS now as we have our new WatchMate XB-8000 smartAIS Transponder up and running).

 With the ICOM 802 SSB radio knowing our position we can send a distress signal out with a touch of a button and the world will know where we are and in need of help; with the VHF, the radios is about 30 km.

 Possibly later this season we will figure it out. Some things have changed with the  Garmin GPSMAP 942 chart plotter upgrade. It seems now you can no longer set the port on the NMEA 0183 network? There are some other changes as well.

 So we sent a message to ICOM 802 SSB support and this is the answer.

"ICOM does not have any tested and approved third party GPS units. However, any GPS that outputs standard NMEA 0183 should work.

Customers have reported successfully using the Digital Yachts GPS150.
Note: Mention of third party products or services is provided for customer convenience and does not imply an endorsement or quality assurance by ICOM America.

Rick Technical Support Representative"

1 comment:

  1. I really like this article please keep it up.
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