Anchored in La Cruz Anchorage - Jam session at the La Cruz Marina etc - 2104

Beginning of March 2014 - La Cruz Anchorage  Banderas BayMexico

 First we took the dinghy in and went to Bucerias to the bank.
 Then we went to La Cruz to Octopus’s Garden for WiFi and breakfast which was really lunch for us because it was about noon.
 Then off to the jam session at the La Cruz Marina.
 We had a good time and sang a bunch of songs. It was a round-table-type of jam where each person picked one song and we played\sang it. 
They passed out copies of the songs we played. I knew most of the chords but had forgotten some of their names. 
I did not have the music so the two songs I contributed were “The Anchoring Dance” which originated from “Eileen Quinn”and “Blowing in the Wind”, by Bob Dylan. I did get some of the music and plan on going back next Wednesday for another jam. 
Here I am singing “Blowing in the Wind”.
Note 2018:
 Now I am playing  “Blowing in the Wind”. with harmonica and guitar.

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