Electronics fuse block (NEMA 2000 network etc) working - 2012

First Debbie installed a Blue Sea Systems TerminalBlock 30A - 4 Circuit for all the electronics.
Debbie is small enough to get behind the nav station and install stuff.
April 2012 - Currently at Marina Kona Kai Shelter Island San Diego, CA
I can get back there but I run out of foul words to say in the first few minutes!
The NMEA 2000 Network network had a 3 AMP inline glass fuse.
The Garmin GMR 18 HD Radar has a blade fuse, a small one like in a car. It is 7.5 AMPs.
As you can see we are just getting started and there are two different fuse types already. We have mostly converted all our fuses to the "T" blade larger Blue Sea Systems fuse block compatible fuses. We want the electronics to wire all in one place and all have the same fuse type. This will make trouble shooting and fuse replacement easy(er).  
We think this will work out and if so will finish staking down the wires and adding sensors to the fuse block. Gee I told her the fuse block was straight up and down and clearly now I can see it is not!
 Debbie wired the "T" fuse block to a push\pull switch that was at the nav station from the previous owner and was not being used. She used a #10 wire for the fuse block to the switch to the bus about 3'. The T fuse block got fused with a 30 amp fuse. We will probably change that to a 25 AMP fuse.  The switch then goes to a positive bus that is fused and goes to the batteries.
We had to use some white #10 wire for the switch wiring and will replace it with red so it is clear what is going on.
 We may use a breaker instead of a switch at the nav station for the electronics but this is to be decided. At the moment we only have the GMI™ 10 Marine Instrument and the wind sensor working from the T fuse block. They work off the NEMA network and are powered off the NMEA 2000 Network network by a 3 AMP fuse. 
 I was in the lazerett putting the NMEA 2000 Network network up out of the way. We think this spot under the cockpit will work out as it is out of harms way but can be got to. There are still a few T's to add to the network so it will get longer. If so we can adjust the mounting. It is still all temporary. We will be starting the auto pilot and radar soon.
NMEA 2000 Network network above fuel tank.
OK this is tight but I need to do some work or I would have Debbie to jump in here also to do this 😁
We did get our chart plotter working. We then disconnected it. It will need to get wired to the StandardHorizon Matrix GX 2150 VHF radio so no sense hard wiring it until that is complete.
 Showing some wind data, not much wind. (The camera shot is crooked.)

1 comment:

  1. Love Blue Sea, just bought a Garmin, like how you do things
