This Garmin GMI 10 project started because we purchased a Blue Sky Energy IPN ProRemote and need a spot to mount it. The ProRemote will control our BlueSky Energy inc Solar Boost 3024iL DUO solar controller.
August 2020 - We are
currently in Paradise Village Marina in Banderas
Bay Mexico (by Puerto Vallarta)
Debbie made a template so we could find the right fit for the GMI™ 10 Marine Instrument.
We did not have the correct size hole saw so we put it out on the VHF cruiser's net and a boater in Nuevo Vallarta Marina (across our little bay) had one to lend us. We went for a morning walk and when we got back there was a hole saw on our boat! Wow, so we went to use it and it had a 1/2" shank. We have a 1/4" drill. SO we called him about the hole saw and he said it was not his but he had a 1/2" drill we could use.
On our way over to his boat we ran into Neil on s\v Isis and he said he left the hole saw and had a 1/2" drill we could use! So we did! Neil has a Islander Freeport, I think a 1982, ours is a 1978. He is about 6 slips from us.
The back.
The clutch was set at a very low torque so if the hole saw binded, the drill would just slip not ripping out of my hands. Love the De Walt drill and I keep saying I am going to get one but I always seem to find someone to borrow a De Walt drill 1/2" drill from😊
Done with the drilling!
Getting it straight was a little challenge.
Debbie screwing it in and then she connected the GMI the NMEA 2000 Network.

The GMI 10.will display all the information on the NMEA 2000 Network without the need for the chart plotter to be on. The screens can be customized also. It will not display autopilot or AIS or Radar information.
The ProRemote (shown in picture below) will go where the hole is now.

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