Extending the shunt twisted pair for a new solar remote to come - 2020

Coming up behind the nav station are a set of twisted pair that we never used for the Link2000We had made up and installed two sets of twisted pair for the link but never used the second one for the starting battery. Now we are extending the twisted pair for the BlueSky Energy IPN ProRemote.
August 2020 - We are currently in Paradise Village Marina in Banderas Bay Mexico (by Puerto Vallarta)
The brown and yellow wires need extending. 
 We added a much smaller wire to the Ancor marine  #16 gauge wires which are coming from the shunt. They were really too big but do work fine. The smaller gauge wires we soldered onto the #16 instead of crimping them on because the resistance would possibly be too much and interfere with the reading. It is said you use RJ45 network cable for twisted pair.
Soldering on the new brown smaller wire.
Finishing off soldering the yellow wires.
Debbie did the heat shrinking. She put that hot mitt up against the headliner so as not to burn anything with the heat gun (except her arm with the end of the heat gun 😞.)
BlueSky Energy IPN ProRemote.is now ready for the installation when we get it later this month (in shipping).

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