The traveler was a dream to use. The main halyard while letting it out was fine getting it back in was a lot of winching. That system is the next to get replaced. We will get a new fiddler block and boom blocks and line this summer.
The sail goes about ¾ up before we need to start using the winch to get it the rest of the way. Some track lube would help but is not the solution. A mast track is in the cards for the solution.
The jib sheets are tired and need replacing but work ok. The winches are great and I hardly had to winch in any on the jib. There was not a lot of wind and it is only 100 percent. On our last boat we had a 150 genoia and it required a lot of winching in. We are not sure what we will get for cursing for a jib. Possibly a 120 genoia.
The furler line we did not setup properly. It was user error. I put it outboard of a stanchion instead of inboard so it got twisted in the ratchet block. It worked but need a little practice with it.
All in all systems worked and it was a great day.
It was a bit crowded and city like but being Fathers day I think most did as I did. What do you want to do on father’s day, go boating! So they were out there. We like to go sailing on Saturday as my take on this is that the guys are busy either working on house (cutting the grass) or on the boat and on Sunday they sail. So Saturday seems less crowded. I do have to admit that it is never really that crowded, but for the big holidays.
We left the sail cover off as it is a pain. Having the solar panel on top of the dodger makes it a little more work also. My Kingdome for in boom furling! Oh well guess it would be. Any way we will be sailing on Wednesday and then next Sunday. We will be leaving off the sail cover till at least then.
Next Sunday we plan on our first anchor shake down. We plan to sail to La Play cove and anchor all day.
The window in the bimini is a bit hard to reach to put on and off the cover or wipe clean. It did work fine though and if any further forward we could not see the top of the mast. So with a plastic stick and rag would work for cleaning.
I think that should take care of our shake downs and we will be ready to party! Course if the Perkins keeps purring and and and etc.
We did have some water in the bilge but I think it was from over filling the water tanks.
Or our water gauge system could be leaking out the top on a heal. Next sail we can shut the little valves on top to test that.
We would like to add a boom vang. It is on the wish list. We will sail the a bunch this summer coming and make some more decisions on what we want for sail handling. Just upgrading our existing equipment will make a lot of difference running rigging and some blocks.
OK busted, we did not do a thing with the topping lift. That would have helped raising the main.
We are or I am a bit rusty.
I pulled on the furler line trying to sheet in when we did our first tack :).
Another Freeport 36 (Gary)
We saw this yacht on the bay Sunday. We saw three or four mega yacts out on the bay.
$15000.00 for 7 day charter?

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