Sky Screens replacement - 2024

New Sky Shade in stateroom, half shade and half screen.
A two-day project...removing the Stateroom Skyscreen then installing the new Skyscreen.
May 2024 - Chip & Debbie on mooring ball  at Puerto Escondido, BCS (Baja), Mexico 

From Oceanair Surface Skyscreen SFSS-1080, 18-1/2''x18-1/2'' (OA) SFSS-1080

Old shade, you can see the bumps and lumps.
  Debbie and I decided to purchase four new Oceanair Surface Sky Screens all at once. They have come out with a new model after producing these for 20 years. We love ours and use them constantly. They, however, are over ten years old and showing their age. Our hatches are 20x20 and we have four of them. We like the old design so we picked them up while they still had our size in stock. Today we got the first new one installed. Debbie did most of the hard work of removing the old one. We had glued it in place as well as screwed it. That made it difficult to remove without ripping up the headliner. Debbie did a great job. We just screwed in the new ones, no glue.
   I was busy recaulking places on the cap rail that needed touching up. Then I lent a hand when the project needed two people - one to hold it up and the other to screw it in.
Old shade.

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