Agua Verde dinghy tow and anchorage info - 2024

Damsels in distress!

We came to the rescue of two people in a dinghy - their engine failed so they were rowing against the wind. I noticed them as I was at the helm of our outboard - we were going to check out the anchorage in the North corner. They were very grateful!!
May 2024 - Chip & Debbie anchored at Agua Verde, BCS (Baja), Mexico

Later we meet two campers in the new restaurant and had a good chat. They said that they were invited to a birthday bonfire on the beach in the north anchorage by the cruising boats and had a great time. Also as we went by in the dinghy there were about 15 off rode trucks on the beach, gringos and he said they were not fun to be around but they did not stay more than a day.
   We are going to walk to the north anchorage from the beach in the main anchorage as there is a path around the bluffs, rocky shore probably today.
In the south anchorage which supposedly holds 3-4 boats there were 7 in there with two being big cats.
   We are anchored in the south of the main anchorage (because of W-SW winds/waves) and were surrounded for a couple days by big charter cats but they left today as a lot of boats have. They come and go.
   There have been some jet skies and a water skier from the big power yachts but thankfully for us at least they do not stay long making wakes etc.
   We have walked in the village and have seen the school. Next time we will bring some school supplies like we did in San Everisto.
Their boat.

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