Agua Verde - Faro San Marcia Restaurant 2024

 We went to the third restaurant on-shore on Wednesday, Faro San Marcia Restaurant. A simple place and a nice view of the bay. A one-woman show!May 2024 - Chip & Debbie anchored at Agua Verde, BCS (Baja), Mexico

 Offerings were fish or carne tacos, so we opted for the fish tacos...yes, nothing vegetarian again for Debbie. We also had homemade limonada. And we were served chips, salsa and a little guacamole before our tacos came out.
 After lunch we asked if there was a back way to the market and there was so we took it. We saw four goats crossing the dirt road we were on. While it was quite a warm way to go, we were able to see the school, church and many homes.
 The market must have gotten a delivery as we were able to get some bread, apples, bananas, carrots, celery, a little yogurt and of course, our "afternoon movie" cookies.
Approaching the dinghy on the beach, we saw a sea gull waiting for a ride!!

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