The modifications we need to make seemed simple enough. I decide to do them myself.. This speeded up the process and saved $.
- I cut the excess plywood from the corners.
- I made a slot to remove the air filter for cleaning.
- I made a cover for the slot. I cut out the intake hole to make it bigger.
May 2019 - We are
currently in the marina at Grand Isla Navidad Resort in (Bahia de Navidad) , Mexico
- These modifications were made to the air separator so it would fit and separate the hot\cold air better.
- Some notches in the 1\4 inch plywood and cut off some 1\2 inch bracing.
For one thing, we want to be able to disassemble this box in case we want to store it in the trunk of our VW Jetta. We then store the VW Jetta for the winter cruising season. It becomes a small storage locker😀
Also, I added a slot so I could easily remove the air filter for cleaning.
Using our new DeWalt sander.
Making the air filter slot cover.
Sanding up the rough edges.
The bottom view with the air separator just placed in - that's why it is crooked.
Sand a dud-dub😊
Ok ready for painting.
The first coat is a water sealing coat. I mixed the paint 50\50 with thinner. It is oil based white paint we got at a Comex paint store.
I painted everything with the first coat.
Pat made a 24" strip of 1\2 by 1\2 wood for the top of the a/c unit.
It will act as the window, holding it in place.
It will act as the window, holding it in place.
There is not any building supply stores in Bahia de Navidad and Melaque a bigger town nearby, does not have strapping type of wood. You need to get it milled. No Home Depot to just pop into and pick it up
Cleaning up after the first coat.
The bottom painted.
In Melaque we picked up some rubber pipe insulation at an air conditioning installation shop. I cut a slit in it and lined the edges of the hatch with it.

Then we placed the a/c box on top of it. The area with only have one coat of paint and is on the inside. It will be insulated as it is for the cold air to flow through.
Air inside.
Bottom of a/c unit where the water is supposed to come out.
We thought we would try to make a channel for the water
to run out from the bottom of the a/c.
to run out from the bottom of the a/c.
Debbie marked the channel with blue tape. Then she removed the blue tape after making a pencil mark and put a bead of caulking there.
Marking the board for a cut. This is where the window
would come down on top of the a/c unit.
would come down on top of the a/c unit.
Placing the wood strip in place to mark the box
for drilling a hole on each side to hold it in place.
for drilling a hole on each side to hold it in place.
Testing the air filter removal.
These areas will get caulked - once we get the caulking in Puerto Vallarta!
Then we stuffed the white messy un-environmentally-friendly foam insulation around the back of the a/c unit. We could not find the nice pink insulation here. We can get it in Puerto Vallarta next month.
Wala! All done at least for now.
As it turned out, the water drained out to the side of the unit as it is slanted that way because the boat deck is. So I drilled a hole in the side and it drips into a hose I fitted to the hole. I cut out part of the hose to catch the water. It works good but I need a longer, probably smaller hose to reach the scupper on the main deck so the water goes over the side.
Also we need to better insulate the inside of the cold area. We could only find one windshield sun screen here. Again when we get to Puerto Vallarta we will finish it off. It is working quite good now although it is not summer hot yet
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