Woody Wax for non skid update - 2011

OK we washed up the boat and even waxed the nonskid on most of the top sides.
September 2011  - At Marina Cortez Harbor IslandSan Diego, CA

 We then put on Woody Wax. This time we let most of the water drain off and then used a soft wet yellow Shroud brush. We did not rinse the extra off.  It does not shine much but that is not a care. It is the black bird test. Yes they are back at our marina and have no mercy. They congregate at the top of the mast and let it go. It is like grape jelly. It must have ammonia in it (the poo).  It is hard to remove and stains the deck. That stain takes lots of work to remove. Also in doing so the wax is removed. 
 I think one problem were having with the Woody Wax was that we use Meguiars boat soap and it states in the instructions (yes I finally did read them) that one cap full per gallon. Well I had just been free pouring it into a bucket, you know that should get it clean type of pour meaning a lot. So now with the right amount maybe it will not take off anything but dirt. Meguiars boat soap says it does not remove wax but just maybe it is if you follow the instructions.
 We covered the fore deck as best we could with what we had on hand. The boat is stern too as we are doing solar panel and wind generator work. This works out well for the poo as the wind blows it onto the fore deck instead of the dodger bimini and solar panel etc. where it is even harder to clean up. No marina in the area is safe but some are better off than others as the black birds concerned.
 The first test came the night we washed the boat, of course! They pooped all over and I took a few pics to show you. I had started to clean up before the pictures were taken so they do not show the true damage but still you can get the idea. Next I washed with jest the hose and with Woody wax on the top sides the bird poop did come off fairly easily. The poo did leave some small stains here and there but not too bad. Granted this was the same day it was pooed on that it got washed off but still I think that the 
Woody Wax helped a lot.
More will be pooped and washed and the test goes on.

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