We first cut some pvc pipe to use as a placement for the solar panel. Once we figured the location on the dodger we cut the SS pipe to fit. We used bungee cords to hold the pvc in place, worked good. It was important for the panel to look good on the dodger as well as get the biggest one we could. I think we accomplished our goal. We may paint the frame white after the dodger is built if we think it will blend in and look better. This is the latest panel technology at this time.
All the parts to attach the solar panel we got from Downwind Marine in San Diego.
The panel we got off the web.
We will be installing two more on top of the bimini and a smaller one. The smaller one is because we now have a window in the bimini. We have yet to hook up the solar panel to the controller.
Kyocera 135 watt Solar Panel
Blue Sky Solar Boost 3024DiL
With the controller we can divert part of the power to the water heater to make hot water or some other device.

Have a dodger, and I must say that geez, the gas that it consumes, is making my head ache all the time!!! I don't want not to use it, since I bought it and I have to use it.. So, I didn't know that a solar panel can be used for water vehicles.. Thanks for the info!