Tenacatita Mayor's dinghy raft up on Friday night. Opening with the Conch shell horns. The mayor (Robert and first lady Virgina on s\v Harmony) opens.the raft up.
January 2020 - We are currently anchored in Tenacatita Mexico
We formed a big circle.
It is a pot luck and there was plenty of food to go around.
Passing the food around.

My food collection.
Passing the food around.
My food collection.
A little guitar entertainment.
A healthy offering of couscous!
Everyone enjoying the delicious food.
There were two dogs in attendance...this is one of them.
Me. We rowed over in our Achilles LSI-310E.
This is the only time we have used the dinghy this season. And still not using the motor. We have used the Starboard Whopper ASAP SUP and Ocean Kayak Malibu Two only so far.
Debbie is now talking about getting her own SUP (paddle board)!
Every raft up has a theme. This one was what was a
silver-lining moment after adversity in your life?
s\v Elegant'sea.
The woman on the left has cancer. The man on the right has a bald head. They were comparing their baldness - ironic that they were sitting next to each other!
The moon setting over s\v Encore.with Trent and Barbara.
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