The new setup.
August 2013 - s\v Elegant'sea is currently in Paradise Village Marina in Banderas Bay Mexico (by Puerto Vallarta)
Debbie had to cut the wires off the cigarette lighter adapter and she saved that. Doing that meant she needed to add a 5 amp blade fuse. We like the blade fuses verses the glass. Then she had to extend the wires and add the solder-less terminal ends. That took measuring the wires out and engineering the installation.
The Boise speaker sits up on our book shelf. That meant a hole behind the fiddle for the connecting wire. A hole down behind the settee for the battery wires and then placing the converter on the bulkhead. All out-of-sight and secured. Of course that meant moving lots of stuff, drilling, screwing, heat shrinking etc.
Debbe at work.
Getting ready to drill a pilot hole after checking under the settee for placement. You can see the hole saw she will use later.
After drilling the pilot hole and checking for location Debbie drills the hole using a hole saw.
After that hole is made Debbie double checks for layout and location and
fit of converter again.
Debbie drills a pilot hole behind the fiddle in the book case above the settee.
Happy with that hole she drilled the real Mc Coy. This hole will be out-of-sight so no ouch😊
Debbie installs the 12v converter.
Nicely done, now to finish the wiring.
Now that the plug is snaked up to the speaker the wires need to go to the MASTERVOLT house batteries house batteries.
Debbie snaking the wires down.
Not a lot of room.
Still smiling, Debbie likes to be an electrician, it is clean work and requires
the precision she likes.
Connecting to the neg 600 amp buss.
We have two 600 amp buses yet to install and will make this a little better organized.
Next project😀
Not like you can really see the wires but they are connected and wa la the speaker let out beep to say it is happy to be getting charged!
Another job well done by the Willis clan.
What did Debbie do before retiring? She seems like a very hands on person.