We are in the boat yard for a bottom job at Marina Palmar. Not a problem getting in there but we had a really hard time backing out of our slip and up the fairway in Marina de La Paz. First time backing out of our slip.
February 2025 ⛵ Chip & Debbie 💑 in the Marina del Palamar boat yard,👷♀️ La Paz BCS (Baja), Mexico 🇲🇽
There was almost no current on a new incoming tide and no wind. The fairway is nice and wide for the bigger boats and that saved us from banging into any boats. After backing this way and that, I started to try to back out, giving up trying to get the bow around and then the boat kind of just found it's way and we got the bow going out the fairway. To be fair, in years past we have only docked the boat on average about four times a year. A couple to top off fuel stops and once in for hurricane season and then out for cruising season then the rest of the time we were at anchor (about five months). Guess we need a lot more un-docking practice.
Fortunately we had Aaron accompany us as he and his wife had their boat bottom job done there last year. He was so helpful directing us on the waterway then handling the bow lines to the fellows in the yard at the travel-lift. Thank you Aaron!!
We have been in the boat yard two days now and so far they have been great. We hired Bob (Cactus Bob) to be our manager. So far he's been really helpful.
Our boat looks so tiny amongst the other boats!
We have been in the boat yard two days now and so far they have been great. We hired Bob (Cactus Bob) to be our manager. So far he's been really helpful.
Our boat looks so tiny amongst the other boats!
Today, day three in the boatyard - the new galley sink thr0ugh hull, valve fittings etc got worked on. This will now require a new drain hose as they cut it off. Blisters have been ground out, filled and primed. The trailing edge of the rudder has been grinded, filled and primed.
We brought 20 fish tacos (from Tacos de Pescado El Estadio) and a case (24) of cold cans of Coke to the workers. A big hit!
Debbie had to go get our through hull map.
Blisters have been ground out, filled, sanded and primed.
Feeding the boat yard dog with Cactus Bob.
Some of the guys eating the 20 fish tacos we brought and a case of Coke.
Old thrugh hull valve and I am holding the hose they cut off.
New through hull valve setup to go in.
Old through hull out and new hole replacing Old hole for new through hulll.
Billy - Boatyard owner
Armando (owner nephew) - Finance
Antonio (owner son-in-law) - Straw boss
Lalo - project supervisor
Juan - travel lift driver
Jesus - painter
The paint is Interspeed 6200NA contains copper, specifically in the form of cuprous oxide, which is a key ingredient in this antifouling paint used to prevent marine organisms from attaching to boat hulls; it is considered a "copper-based" antifoulant."
Today in the boatyard (day five) they put in the new galley through-hull/valve and new hose to the sink. We had them turn the galley through-hull valve around so it is like the original one, the opposite from the picture position. It is not as easy to get at the handle but gives better access to the deep bilge. The boatyard guy did not like it but we explained it to him. He liked the better handle position but then the handle is in the way of deep bilge access. We need to be able to get the Rule 2000 bilge pump in and out for maintenance etc. Besides we rarely use the through hull valve for the sink ‐ it's always open when we're on the boat and closed when we're off the boat. We replaced the whole set up because it was 46 years old and could use the upgrade.
They put a third coat of paint around the water line 🖌 and on the trailing edge of the rudder. They put the first coat on the spots where the jack stands were (they moved the jack stands). Later they will put on a second coat in those spots. I added a second coat in the place between the rudder and skeg. I crushed a paint brush handle in their vice so it would fit in the slit between the rudder and skeg. It is the kind of paint brush that is common in machine shops. I got a decent second coat on but I got distracted and then the paint can disappeared. They said they would add more. Oh, they also bought and painted a new screen for a through hull up forward, a washdown through-hull that had a broken screen. The outside is painted, when it is dry they will paint the inside flange and then they will install it.
Tomorrow we splash!
The new galley through-hull.
The new galley through-hull painted.
The new screen for the anchor was down through-hull.
Water line therd coat.
The couple that climbs together, stays together (or dies)!
Last day at the boat yard. It was only a half day as we splashed about 11:00 am and came back to our slip. All is good now and we could use a day or two to recouperate.
We had Chava's work mate (Tito) come by and wash the boat...he does a nice job. We were going to wash the boat ourselves but had a bunch of other things to do and it is a bit of work
The screen on the original engine through-hull is part of the through-hull so we are not pulling the entire through-hull for just a broken spline. It is just so we do not suck a bag up or something and it still works great with the one spline missing. No bags etc will get sucked up.
Debbie and I rode the boat over from the yard to the rail where they lowered us into the water.
Being lowered into the water.
Jesus, the painter, putting the second coat under the keel where the blocks were. The boat is on the travel lift, which is holding it up.
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