IMSS - In Puerto Vallarta.for Doctors appointment - 2013

End of July 2013 - Currently in Paradise Village Marina in Banderas Bay Mexico
IMSS 07302013
The IMSS clinic is at the end of the road. It is actually a little square and not a dead end.

IMSS clinic in  Puerto Vallarta.
Among other things there is a good butcher shop, fruit stand and taco shop nearby.

We did another trip to IMSS today to get our health care. This time we saw a doctor and she was real nice. She gave us the once over with a fiscal and pronounced us health. We are that. Then we got appointments for Lab work and X rays and heart and other electronics. They got to check under the hood.
 This coverage is for me a 66 years old $303.00 USD a year. Cover health, operations and all doctor stuff IMSS Covers eyes and dental also.
It is a vested plan and after two years you are fully vested. So say after one year I am eligible for a hernia operation and other items. But not till I have been in the plan for one year. Most basic stuff is cover right away.
We have dock mates that have private insurance and pay more for one month than I do for a year and they are younger. The can also go to any of the fancy hospitals close. I will need to go to a clinic and get an appointment to see a doctor. No phoning in. The clinics are clean but not fancy. The health care is top notch though.
The doctors office.
Doc's office.

1 comment:

  1. I've read that medical care is much cheaper in Mexico than in the U.S., and the doctors about as good because many of them were schooled and trained in the U.S.

