Binical teak is getting Cetoled - finally

Middle of June - Paradise Village Marina in Puerto Vallarta

Debbie taped up the teak at the bottom of the binical. This piece of teak we decided to do in Cetol and not Teak Wonder. It is looking good as shinny and nice. It gets little use and little sun so it should hold up good. It also will tie in the teak on the cockpit lazeretts that is Cetoled.

Coat of Sikkens Cetol Natural Teak.
Next will be four coats of Cetol Gloss.


  1. Looks good Debbie!

    I spent four days on Grasshopper last week stripping and varnishing the cockpit (17 pieces), and while it doesn't quite look like the work the pros do it works for me. Next week it's the starboard cabin trim and handrails...Thos handrails are going to be a pain to mask around.


  2. Yes those hand rails are tough. Hoping this will be the last time they will need this much work, stripping and then the rest.
    Luckily Debbie does the taping 
